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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Thank you :)

And so another season comes to an end. We laughed..we cried..we mostly stopped watching the feeds around week 8. lol ;) It's been a weird rollercoaster of a season for all of us. Sometimes it was interesting, many times it was not. But we all got through the season with minimal battle wounds to show for it.

Just like every year, I want to thank each & every one of you guys and gals that have signed up through the feeds through me, those of you who donated to support the blog, and those of you that shared the blog with friends and family. It is *only* with your support that I was able to be here all summer and every Big Brother season. I couldn't do it without y'all. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

So now it's time that I get back to my normal life, get back to focusing on non-BB stuff, get out and enjoy the sun before Winter hits in a couple months, and hold my fluffy fur daughter while binge watching Netflix this Fall. Speaking of, Miss Bella is doing just fabulous!! She still acts like a puppy, except that now she takes a few more naps during the day. ;) I've had her for 7 wonderful years (since BB10) and I can't imagine my life or blogging summers without her beside me snoring, or (my favorite) throwing her tennis ball on my laptop as I blog the Overnighters. Here's a pic of Miss Bella & I from last week when I took her on a nice long walk on a trail.

We hope y'all have a GREAT year until next June when the blog will be ready for BB18! Until we see you all again next season...
Jamie & Miss Bella

Stay tuned...
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BB17 Live Finale

It's here!! It's here!! The BB17 finale is finally here!! :D This fantastic craptastic season is coming to a glorious end tonight, PRAISE THE BB GODS!!! lol Can y'all tell I'm excited to get this season done with? ;) haha

At 10am BBT this morning, the live feeds switched off & won't be back on until BB18 next summer.  (You will, however, be able to watch the backyard interviews post-finale tonight if you have the feeds still.) The final 3 have their bags packed and are getting ready for tonight's show that starts at 9:30pm EST. The finale is 90 mins long, so make sure you have your snackies ready!

I'll be here live blogging tonight for those of you who won't be able to see the show, or are skipping it all together and just want the highlights/spoilers later on.

I'll be making my seasonal "Thank You!" post after the finale is ended, so stick around for that & for a new pic of my dog (Miss Bella!!) and I! :D She just turned 7 yrs old, I got her right after BB10 was over. Wow, how time flies.

Okie dokie, I'll be back at 9:30pm EST to start live blogging tonight's spoilers!

9:30pm EST:
Finale begins...

Dr. Will asked the jury questions like he did last year too.

10:02pm EST:
Final HOH Part 3 begins! It's Vanessa VS Steve

The Winner of Part 3 Final HOH is:

Steve Evicted:

The Final 2: Steve and Liz
Next up, Jury Questions.

10:36pm EST:
Time for the voting! Jury members are making their choices.

10:49pm EST:
Pre-jury just asked the jury questions. Jason called Vanessa out on never owning up to her own game moves and that she only cried all the time. Vanessa said it's true and was a good sport about it.

Vanessa voted for LIZ
J-Mac voted for STEVE
Austin voted for LIZ
Julia voted for LIZ
James voted for STEVE
Meg voted for STEVE
Becky voted for STEVE
Jackie voted for STEVE
Shelly voted for STEVE
Winner of BB17 is:

America's Favorite Player is:
JAMES (yayyyy!!!!)

Stay tuned...
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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Pre-Finale Check In

Helllooooo, BB addicts!! I took the past 2 days off because there's is just simply nothing to report. The final 3 of Vanessa/Steve/Liz have been taking a ton of naps, playing cards, and just roaming around the house. The only thing worth mentioning is that Steve has been practicing his speech for if he wins Part 3 Final HOH tomorrow and will evict Vanessa so he can take Liz to Final 2. 

Tomorrow's BB17 Finale begins at 9:30pm EST and is 90 mins long as usual. Yesterday, all 3 houseguests got their luggage so they can pack up all their stuff and move out of the house tomorrow. The past 3 months of gaming, scheming, backstabbing (you remember that one time, right? lol) will be over soon, and I couldn't be happier to see this loooooooooong season come to an end!

Okie dokie, I'll be back here tomorrow night with a new shiny post for the finale yayyy!! :D See y'all then!!!

Stay tuned...
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Saturday, September 19, 2015

Winner of Part 2 Final HOH is

Yesterday, Steve and Liz competed in the Part 2 (of 3) Final HOH. And without further delay...

Winner of Part 2 Final HOH is:

So now Steve and Vanessa will battle it on in Part 3 (questions comp) and the winner will get to choose which houseguest to take with them to Final 2, while evicting the 3rd party. Steve mentioned to Vanessa last night that they should tell Liz that no matter what, Steve/Vanessa are taking each other to Final 2.(*Not true.) Steve compared it to when Derrick/Cody told Victoria last season. Vanessa was against it though, since she has Final 2 deals with them both. But as we know, Steve doesn't want to take Vanessa to the end because he knows she'd win against him. Vanessa on the other hand, I have no clue where her heads at. It'd be smart for either of them to take Liz to the end, but this season has been so backwards, I wouldn't be surprised if Julie Chen ended up in F2 somehow.

Okie dokie, that's it for this update! Tomorrow night (Sunday), we will have a BB episode and then Wednesday is finale night! Yayy we're almost at the finish line, guys!

Stay tuned...
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Friday, September 18, 2015

TGI-Friday BB17 Update

Hello, BB addicts and happy TGI-Friday to y'all! There are no more Overnighters this season because we're down to less than a week of BB left, we have our Final 3 and it's all up to who wins the Final HOH and then they will decide which HG to take with them to Final 2.

In other news..
I'm kinda bummed that the Austin eviction was pre-taped because according to Julie Chen during her interview with Jeff, Austin didn't want to leave the BB house and begged Vanessa to change her vote. lol
Julie: "I thought I was gonna have to get the hook (to get him out)!"

Julie also said that there were a lot of floaters this season that just "floated around" and "didn't make enemies". She's never seen the game played like that before.

Julie: "They (all) just kinda coexisted in this house."

They talked about Vanessa and Julie said that Vanessa's tears were "crocodile tears" and she's not buying it and then the topic got switched to James and how he wasn't the least scared when Clay confronted him...
...because James worked as a corrections officer and dealt with much bigger guys than Clay.

Other topics Jeff/Julie talked about:
*If Liz gets to Final 2, no way for her to win it
*Jeff joked that people giving "shout outs" on live TV should get a penalty nom (*lol)
*Julie likes Evel Dick & Janelle as BB game players
*How Julie felt bad for Christine last year, getting booed when she exited the house

Anyway, if you'd like to watch it, just click here to go to to watch it. And that's it for today's update! The Final 3 are still in house doing well, they've been sleeping *a lot*. They also did their "Remember when.." segment that will be played on Sunday's show. Alright guys & gals, have a great Friday!

Stay tuned...
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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Final HOH: Part 1 Winner (SPOILER)

Late last night, Liz/Vanessa/Steve battled it out for hours in the Part 1 Final HOH Endurance Comp.

Winner of Part 1 Final HOH is:

Steve fell, then Vanessa talked Liz into dropping by promising her Final 2.

In a few days will be Part 2 of the Final HOH, which is always a mixture of physical/mental. Since we have less than a week to go and there's no more game talk to be had (other than lying to each other about taking each other to Final 2), this is where the Overnighters stop for the season.

I'll be back with updates as they come in (ex: when Part 2 is about to be played, when jury questions will be asked, etc.) but that's about it. We're at the end of the road, guys & gals!!

Less than a week to go!

Stay tuned...
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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Wednesday Live Eviction

Tonight we will have a live eviction! (The normal BB schedule has been moved due to football). We will get to see the Veto Comp that Vanessa won, as well as Steve throwing the veto and then crying about how he made a huge mistake afterwards.

Vanessa then will take herself off the block, Liz will go up and Vanessa will be the sole vote to cast (most likely) Johnny Mac out of the house. Steve is nervous that Vanessa is gonna get rid of J-Mac, and he should be. He was asking V earlier today who she plans on evicting, but she told him she wasn't sure yet. (*Why don't I believe her? lol)

Anyway, so tonight we will get down to the Final 3 and this time next week, we'll be saying goodbye to this season. One more week, guys & gals!

8:00pm EST:
Show begins...

*Jury House footage of Julia and then Austin joining the other jurors.
*Brendon/Rachel made the announcement that THEY'RE PREGNANT!!!

8:37pm EST:
Caleb hosted the Veto Comp that Vanessa won.

8:46pm EST:
Time for Vanessa to pick who to bring to Final 3!
Liz went up as the renom. It's Liz VS J-Mac.

Evicted from the BB17 House is:

Normally we go right into Part 1 (Endurance Comp) of the Final HOH but..apparently not this year. *shrugs* The feeds came back on and Vanessa said she doesn't think they're playing in the comp tonight. Steve thinks they are. Me? I have no clue. I didn't get a heads up from CBS like I normally do. I'll keep you guys updated.

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Overnighter + Veto Comp Winner

Good morning & Happy Wednesday to everyone! The feeds came back on late last night after being down for a couple of days. When they returned, we learned that...

Steve Nominated:

(*Noms don't really matter as this week, it's all about winning the veto.)

The Winner of the Veto is:

So after Vanessa takes herself off the block, we'll have Liz/JM as the final noms. What's even more shocking? Steve threw the veto comp. (*Sidenote: I think former BB HG Caleb hosted the veto comp.)  Anyway, so now we have Steve/Vanessa going to the Final 3. Will JM or Liz join them? We'll find out during tonight's live show.

Steve spent a good part of the late night in the HOH room crying. He knows he messed up and that throwing the veto that Vanessa won, was a $500,000 mistake. (12:10am BBT)
He was calling himself stupid, apologizing over and over again to his mom for making such a stupid mistake, and then went downstairs and cried to Liz.

It appears that Vanessa will vote to evict Johnny Mac at this point (she's the only vote this week, once she takes herself off the block). She was talking to Steve last night and said that Johnny Mac would be harder to beat in the 1st two Final 3 rounds, but then also said that John wouldn't have the jury votes if he was Final 2. Hmm. So we'll have to wait and see. Vanessa told Steve she'll be happy to be sitting next to Steve in Final 2 and that she's okay with taking 2nd place (she thinks she doesn't have the jury votes to win).

**I'll be back tonight to blog the live eviction show! See y'all then!

Stay tuned...
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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tuesday Night Eviction Episode

Good evening, BB addicts! Tonight at 8pm EST, we will have a pre-recorded eviction. Will we see Austin or Steve get the boot? We'll find out tonight! It's all up to what Johnny Mac decided to do. Vanessa asked him to evict Austin, as JM was telling Austin he's ready to cut Steve because their F2 deal together has caused nothing but problems.

Show starts at 8pm EST, so I'll see y'all then!! :D

8:00pm EST:
Show begins...

Julie totally blindsided the HG's with the surprise eviction. Liz was sleeping, the other 4 were in the kitchen when Julie came on the living room TV and told them about the eviction.

8:11pm EST:
Veto Comp time (where JM won the veto).
But first..CBS is making the HG's watch a new CBS show and force feeding us viewers a commercial during BB.

8:35pm EST:
Time for the votes!

Liz votes to evict...STEVE
JM votes to evict...AUSTIN (Ooo!!!)

Evicted from the BB17 House is:

Austin and Liz are TOTALLY shocked! Austin had to walk out of the house barefoot. Austin told Vanessa there's no way she can win BB with jury votes. Vanessa said she knows.

**You can now vote for America's Favorite Houseguest by clicking right here!

New HOH is:

Tomorrow is a live eviction. 

Stay tuned...
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Monday, September 14, 2015

Feeds Blackout Till Tuesday

Happy Monday to y'all! Yesterday was the Veto Ceremony where Johnny Mac took himself off the block and as planned, Austin went up as the replacement nom. I thought for sure this week we'd see Steve leave but alas, Vanessa has another plan. She wants Austin out this week and she wants the blood on her own hands by breaking the tie! She asked Johnny Mac to vote Austin out, while Liz will vote Steve out, leaving Vanessa to break the tie and send Austin out. So I have no clue which one is going to jury this week. It all comes down to what Johnny Mac does. Pretty exciting!!

We won't find out who won until Tuesday, so we're going to be left in the dark (literally, during the feeds blackout) until then.

The feeds blackout is from Monday 9am - Tuesday 9pm.

So this is your chance to go outside, get some fresh air, run errands, or sleep. Whatever! :) I'll be back here on the blog on Tuesday night so until then, have a great 2 days off from BB17!

Stay tuned...
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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Sunday: The Overnighter

We are just under 2 weeks away from the season finale of BB17 (*praise the lawd!) and with it being Final 5 going into Final 4, this is the part in the season where there's not much to blog about. So the Overnighters will be short and sweet from here on out.

Yesterday, we learned that Johnny Mac won the veto and will be obviously taking himself off the block. Austin will be going up as the replacement nom (he's okay with being a pawn this week) and Steve is this weeks target.'s Johnny Mac & Liz's target, I should say. Vanessa told Johnny it's up to him who goes to jury this week. John told Austin/Liz that he wants to get rid of Steve and then they (Austin/Liz//JM) can work together VS Vanessa next week.

Steve/Vanessa had a pow wow yesterday (7:14pm BBT). Vanessa made Steve promise that if shes on the block next week, to vote to keep her. He swears on his mom. V promised Steve that he's not going anywhere this week.
Vanessa was pretty rude to Steve yesterday. She denied him HOH talks twice (before he went in anyway lol), and she would scold him when she asked him questions and didn't like his answers. Then she told him how annoying he was being (*FYI he was looking at her candy-strategy plan when she told him this). Vanessa told Steve that she's breaking up Liztin this week. (Later on, Austin said he can go up as a pawn if he has to.) It's interesting to note that during this convo, Vanessa told Steve about John's plan to throw the veto yesterday to Austin/Liz & vote Steve out, but couldn't throw veto when he saw Steve doing to well. Steve thinks Johns offer to Austin/Liz about throwing the veto was just to "cover his own ass".

Austin/Liz/J-Mac talked (12:29am BBT) and John mentioned that he's ready to get rid of Steve.
He said he plans to blindside Steve this week. Austin is worried that Vanessa is telling him (A) he's just a pawn but then will try to get him out instead. John said how Vanessa told him it's "Up to him" who leaves this week (if it's a tie, V would have to break it). Johnny said that his Final 2 deal with Steve has been nothing but problems for him, so he's ready to cut that dead weight.

**So that's that...Austin will be the replacement nom after J-Mac takes himself off the block, and it looks like Steve will be the one leaving this week. Tonight's BB episode will show the ending to the HOH comp on Thursday, plus Liz/Vanessa getting taken to an Ariana Grande concert with former BB houseguest Frankie Grande. Personally, I will not be watching. Like 99% of the BB community, I can't stand Frankie, so I will sit this one out. lol Have a great Sunday Funday!! ;)

Stay tuned...
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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Veto Comp Results

At 4:45pm BBT, the live feeds came back from the HG's playing in the Veto Comp. And here are the results:

Winner of Veto is:

This is excellent news for J-Mac (and his fans), as he was the target this week. He was supposed to throw the veto, but Liz mentioned that he couldn't throw it because Steve was so close to winning it. (For those of you just now checking the blog today, John told Austin/Liz he'd throw the veto to them if he could because he wants to work with them.)

Vanessa now has the HOH duty of naming a replacement nom, which can only be Austin or Liz (V is HOH, J-Mac won veto, Steve is already on the block, leaving only Austin/Liz as options.) She went to the HOH room and started thinking about strategies while using colored coated candies.
Or she was just really bored and was playing candy. I'm not sure because at one point, she was lining up a ton of candies. lol So we'll have to wait and see who the renom will be, what her "reason" will be, and then who the target will be this week.

Stay tuned...
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Saturday: The Overnighter

Happy Saturday, y'all! Late last night, the feeds finally returned from a hr hiatus. The nominations were confirmed as soon as the feeds turned back on.

Nominated for Eviction are:

Johnny Mac is this weeks target and he's fully aware of it. Oh, and he plans on throwing the veto today, so there's that.

In other news...

Just when you thought this season couldn't possibly get any worse, it has. Frankie Grande visited the house yesterday to take Liz and Vanessa (Liz's guest) to their "luxury" trip outside the BB house. The "prize" (and I use the term loosely) was to go see an Ariana Grande concert. (*I seriously would've asked to stay in the BB house instead.)

Soooo, you're probably asking yourself "Why is J-Mac gonna throw the damn veto??!" and here is your answer: because it's his offer to Austin/Liz in hopes that they take him to Final 3. Johnny Mac's only hope this week (if he decides to actually throw the veto) is for Liz's hate for Steve to override Vanessa wanting J-Mac to leave this week. But, one step at a time. We'll see what happens at today's Veto Comp.

I will be back later this afternoon to post the Veto Comp Results.

Stay tuned...
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Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday: The Overnighter

Good morning, everybody. Today is 9/11 and my thoughts and love are with those families that had their loved ones taken from them on that tragic day. Never forget. :(

Today, the live feeds will be down from 9:45am-11:30pm PST for Noms and then the Veto Comp. This came across the ticker on the feeds:

Vanessa is the HOH and she was up till 5am with her normal Vanessa behavior of looking for "reasons" to put someone up/target them (which she started with Austin and made him really nervous), but then switched to wanting the noms to be Johnny Mac/Steve, with JM as this weeks target. Before her target switched, Austin/Vanessa made a deal that they will work together and he will throw Veto to her today. Vanessa also thought about Liz being her target his week but Austin said they can get her out next week. (*lol At final 3?)

This is the worst game move that anybody left in that house could leave a strong showmance in at Final 5 and heading into the Final 4. You do the math.

Just a few more things:
I forgot to mention that Liz won the luxury prize during the HOH comp last night. What kind of trip she won, nobody knows yet. (Why anyone would want a luxury trip outside the BB house with less than 2 weeks to go and give the other HG's a chance to talk/rally against you while you're gone when you're *so close* to the end, is beyond me.)

In other news...

Here is the BB17 schedule for the rest of the season:
9/11 - Friday Feeds down for 14 hours (9:45am BBT-11:30pm PST)
9/13 – Sunday BB episode
9/14 – Monday feeds off for taping of eviction
9/15 – Tuesday 8pm EST Eviction Episode
9/15 – feeds return (time unknown)
9/16 – Wednesday 8pm EST Live F4 Eviction
9/17 – (no episode due to NFL football season)
9/20 – Sunday 8pm EST BB Episode
9/23 – Wednesday 9:30pm EST – Live Season Finale!!

**So that's the Overnighter for today. I'm sorry there are no screencaps, for some reason my feeds are blacked out and not working (but they're working for other people so I dunno what's going on.) You guys go and enjoy your day today while the feeds are off for the next 14 hours and we'll meet back here tomorrow for the Veto Comp results!! See y'all then!! :D

Pssst...2 new polls over on the right sidebar! -- >

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